In addition to its versatility in various settings such as landscape design, cemeteries, golf cart paths, sidewalks, and driveways, post and chain offers a visually appealing option for demarcating areas. While post and chain is known for as a high-quality product, Boulevard Supply provides an array of alternatives to cater to different preferences.
One noteworthy alternative is the substitution of the traditional black chain with tan or black nautical style landscape rope. This substitution not only adds a touch of elegance to the overall aesthetic but also provides a unique and eye-catching look. It allows for a more personalized and customized approach to the design, making it stand out from the typical post and chain installations.
Furthermore, it is important to note that not all post and chain installations are meant to be permanent fixtures. For those who require temporary or portable options, such as Stanchion Masters® rustic wooden post and rope stanchions, the flexibility to switch between rope and chain is available. This provides users with the freedom to choose the most suitable option for their specific needs and preferences.
When using portable decorative post and rope stanchions and a more secure option than rope is required, landscape chain becomes a viable choice. By connecting the chain to the post via a D-Shackle, a significantly stronger and more secure connection is achieved compared to traditional stanchion ropes with hook or snap ends. This added security ensures that the demarcated area remains intact and visually appealing, even in high-traffic or potentially hazardous environments.
- 1/4″ Black Chain can be used up to a maximum of 6ft in length between portable posts (Requires two D-Shackles per section)
- 3/16″ Black Chain can be used up to a maximum of 8ft in length between portable posts (Requires two D-Shackles per section)
- Black Plastic Chain can be used up to a maximum of 10ft in length between portable posts (Requires two S-Hooks per section)
In summary, while post and chain is an excellent choice for various applications, Boulevard Supply goes above and beyond by offering a range of alternatives to suit individual preferences. Whether it’s substituting the chain with nautical-style landscape rope or opting for a more secure connection with landscape chain, their products provide both functionality and aesthetic appeal for any setting.